Sep 1, 2024


If you have a dream you have to desire it, you have to believe it, you have to protect it and never let anyone tell you that you can't do it. Nothing s impossible to a man who believe. If you really believe in yourself, if you really think you're going to make it, if you see it in your dreams everyday then you will never feel lazy again, you will go for the kill, you will move like an assassin and destroy all your limitations. If they can dream big and achieve it so you can do it too. Stop feeling insecure, stop feeling guilty or intimidated if you're dreaming big and just go for it. Dreams do come true if you have that burning desire to chase it. At the end of the day it's just a dream, there's no pressure in getting it, the main purpose of your dream is to build your character and make you see who you really are and what you are mad of. Are you made of steel or glass? do you fold under pressure or do you love feeling the fire? is your mind strong enough to withstand any kind of storm? Keep chasing your dream until it gets tired running away from you, just be relentless and something will show on your way. Nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself. Stick with the basics, keep moving forward and never stop working towards your goals. If you can see it then you can get it, if you can dream it then you will find a way out of no way. Dream about it and never let it go, that idea in your mind... never erase it, execute everyday that will make your dreams closer and closer from you. It's only just a matter of time before it becomes real, you need to be patient and focus on yourself. If it is hard so be it, don't be afraid of anything that is hard. Dream about anything you want to dream but back it up with massive actions and strong belief, never care if you're dreaming about billions and they are laughing, just keep moving forward and focus on your journey, just don't stop and that's it. Enjoy the process, enjoy the grind and never quit. Never let anyone stop you from dreaming, you see it so you will manifest it, nothing can stop you. 

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