Sep 10, 2024


You can't live like a clown anymore, you're always confused and anxious, you're always worried and stressed. The reason for that is lack of discipline and focus. You need to do something but you're not doing it, you're prioritizing pleasures, you can't control yourself, you're always choosing what is easy but useless. You can't live like that forever because you will go crazy. You have to train yourself now to become more disciplined and committed to your goals. Stop acting like a punk that has no direction, you're not a stray dog, you need to know where you want to go and take baby steps to get there. Take small steps, one at a time and never stop, keep pushing forward no matter what. It is what it is, it's going to be hard, it's going to feel different but you will have more strength freedom, external things and temptations can no longer control you. You have to do whatever it takes to get better, it is simple saying no to nonsense things that are making you worse and slow. This is about speed, timing has nothing to do with it, just be fast and that's it. Decide now what are you going to do and do it no matter what, avoid all the unnecessary actions and thoughts that are completely sabotaging your life. You have to act now before it's too late. If you want to see greatness then stop living like a bum and live like a hungry lion, be hungry on taking actions, once you need to do something... do it without even thinking. Just keep moving forward and stop overthinking because it's making your life harder even more. It's ok if you want to be lazy and take it easy but the question is do you really want to like that? I am sure you want bigger results and greater experience and the only way to achieve that is to work harder and get obsess with the process. Because nothing will change if you keep on living like a bum, nothing will change if you're slower than a snail, you have to stay busy you have to get your life going, push yourself to just take the first step and then follow through. You don't need a lot of strength to pull the trigger, you don't need to become special to start something. Just do what you can do and that's it, that's your main mission in life... simply give your very best and never care about the results you will get. The time to start is now, not later, not tomorrow, push yourself to move now and never care about your emotions. You're too emotional that's why you can't take the first step, you're too dramatic and wanting to be prefect all the time. A perfect life is just an illusion, there will be problems, there will be difficulties but one thing is for sure... your life will get harder if you will not move now. So don't waste time, value your time like the most precious thing on earth, stop wasting time for useless activities because it will never give you anything at all. 

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