Sep 12, 2024


If you want to see greatness then be ready to prepare yourself to make big time sacrifices. Pain, focus, defeats, risks, insane hardwork, delayed gratification and perseverance are the only requirements of greatness. If you are feeling comfortable now then you are not experiencing greatness. It's a grind, it's hustle all day long, it's believing that you can achieve something even if there is no such evidence that yo can make it. You need to trick your brain that you're going to make it no matter what. IF greatness was easy then everybody would have been great by now but most of these bums are fakes, most of them are pretending to be great by just working for a few minutes a day. Greatness is a process, it's a forever journey of trying to get better every single day. There is no days off, you have to work during holidays or even your birthday. SO if you want a comfortable life without having to work hard for it then stop dreaming, you are just fooling yourself, you will never have a comfortable life unless you felt so uncomfortable for a few decades. It is what it is, it's not going to be easy that is why it's worth it. The pain you endure, the parties you didn't go to, the cake that you didn't eat, the sports that you didn't watch... all of these will help you to get to the next level. It's not what you learn, it's what you unlearn. Unlearn your bad habits, unlearn the things that are not helping you at all. Focus on the things that are making you a little bit better even if the progress was very slow. It's to be slow but just don't ever stop, don't quit and keep moving forward all the time. The question is are you for real? are you really doing whatever it takes to conquer your dreams? are you really doing everything you can even if you're not seeing any improvements at all? do you still believe that you can make it even if it looks too impossible to win? can you still move forward despite of the pain and series of defeats that are trying to break your heart? can you still manage to take actions even if your body is soring and your mind was already stressed? can you still stand up during times where sleeping will give you the most comfortable feeling in the world? 

The choice is up to you, nobody told you it's going to be easy, the world doesn't owe you anything, you owe it to yourself to see how far can you go with the beliefs and ideas that you have. 

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