Sep 17, 2024


Fear is the compass, fear is the guide. What scares you will give you strength if you face it, it will give you the knowledge, it will give you the experience that will make you tougher, stronger and better. So face your fears and never give up. So whatever you need to do... do it now, stop waiting and stop wasting time because it is not helping at all. Every time you procrastinate and avoid your task your fear gets stronger and stronger even more. You have to feel the fear, embrace it and never let it control you. Once you are facing and feeling your fears... you are already controlling it. Just breathe and relax, you are enough, what you know is enough, stop looking for what is lacking in your life, stop thinking what is missing and what you should be, accept yourself and know that you are powerful enough to overcome anything. You can survive anything, you can find a way, knowing this will give you unbelievable power. Force yourself to take actions, stop thinking and just move, you're thinking too much and it paralyzes you, if you wan to feel powerful you need to be moving forward all the time, stop believing in your thoughts, stop believing in what you feel and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. Stop complicating everything and simply focus on what you can control. Overthinking is the killer of process and dreams, thinking too much will amplify your fears, it will stress your mind and will make you go crazy. Stick with the basics and just take it one step at a time, if you have something to do... just do it and never give up. This is not a hard thing to do, all it takes is being patient, being in the moment and enjoying the steps that you must take. Learn to enjoy it, learn to have fun always think that you are getting better every time you work hard. So keep going no matter what, never give up and never stop, you can make it if you really want it. Use your willpower and determination to overcome and conquer anything. Fear is just a feeling, it's just an emotion, never make it a big deal because it will come and go, don't panic when it's there, know that it is there, recognize it but never respect it too much, always think that it's just there because it is part of your life. It's just an emotion that you need to feel and it is part of being human. Feel it as much as you can, don't worry about it, don't overreact and don't think that it is real. All fears are not real, it is just there to confuse you because it is a challenge, it is a test that will constantly remind you that you're just a human. Fear is part of life, it will never go away, it is impossible not to be scared. You will be scared every once in a while but the good news is you can still move despite of fears, nothing can stop you at all if you decide to become unstoppable, feel it but still move forward, never let it freeze you, never let it stop you from doing what you need to do. 

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