Sep 16, 2024


You will not be scared to use more spoons and plates if you're not scared to work. You will not be scared of a big and stronger opponent if you are ready to outwork him. You will not be scared of a strict and asshole boss if you're not afraid to work for longer hours. You will not be scared of a huge goal if you are not afraid to work extremely hard. What scares you is the work behind it not the subject itself. You are scared to work because you are afraid to get tired, what if you are not afraid to get tired? do you think something will still scare you? not at all anymore. You will not be scared to lose if you're not afraid of trying again, if you are willing to give it another try then the pressure will go away. You will not be afraid to get lost if you're willing to find a way even if it will take a lot of time. You will not be afraid to chase an impossible dream if you're willing to undergo a very long and hard process. It is what it is, it's the work that you are being afraid of and not the failure nor consequences. If you're not afraid to work and move then you will become invincible, as simple as that. Nothing can intimidate you, nothing can bother you, you will feel invincible and strong, you will have more energy and peace of mind. You will never be afraid to take risk and fail if you are willing to work again and get better this time. You should love working, you should love taking the first step because it will give you more energy and strong mentality, it will make you feel alive. Why are you so afraid of it if it will make you better and stronger? There's no need to be scared, there's no need to worry if you're willing to work again, if you're willing to love the process and embrace the grind. You will never lose anything if you work, you will gain more, you will learn something, you will make yourself stronger and more tenacious, you're in a win win situation if you're working so why even bother to control everything that will force you to work more? there's no need for that. Control your mind, control your perspective and always believe that you are only getting better whenever you are doing something. Mastering yourself will take a lot of work and sacrifice but it is a very good investment, strength comes from the inside and not from the outside, make your mind stronger than what it use to be and you will go to the next level, as simple as that. Work will make your body stronger and mind sharper, you have nothing to lose if you do it. Just take the first step and carry on, never complain, never make excuses, never blame anybody and just do the work. Working is fun, any kind of work will be fun if you will just embrace the grind and believe that it will lead up to something big. You may not see the results, you may not hold what you're expecting after working but it is turning you into a something, it's making your mentality stronger and body younger. So keep on working and never stop, don't be afraid that you need to double your effort, you are doing this for yourself, every time you are working you are making yourself a beast.

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