Sep 5, 2024


You can have a lot of money but if your job is to wash asses of old people then what kind of life was that?  there's no freedom there, it's ok if you love it and you're enjoying it but if you hate it and you can't stomach it anymore then why the hell do that? a player who have big salary playing on a strong team but not being use by his coach is not happy. A player who plays on a weak team but has playing time but with lower salary is happier because he has freedom and he has a chance to use his skills and express himself. Being able to move freely and expressing yourself is much better than being in a system that deprives you from being creative and expressive. Money will stop you from expressing yourself naturally, it will stop you from doing the job that you really love to do. People will choose money and security because of fear. They're afraid that they can't make it if they don't have enough money, they're afraid hat they will lose a lot of they don't play safe and grab the big money in front of them. And when they grow older they will realize that their decision was wrong. Always choose your freedom over anything else, choose to become a doer, choose to become a contributor instead of just letting the system tell you what to do. Never let fear of losing something stop you from taking actions that you really want. Stop looking for safety and enjoy life, take risks, enjoy the ups and downs of life. Freedom is something that money can't buy, freedom is something that you must try to achieve because it will give you happiness and joy that money can never buy, If you want to become free then drop the idea of needing to have this or that, forget about security and start doing it your way. You can earn money by just being yourself and doing the things that you love to do. Earning 500 dollars a month doing it your way and being the boss is much better than earning 10,000 dollars a month without freedom and doing the things that you can't stomach. Freedom is something that you can achieve now if you will just be brave and accept that you will struggle but that struggle will only make you stronger and mentally tougher. Working in your own country and earning peanuts but being with your family is much better than working abroad earning a lot but cannot see your family even for just once a year. Money is nothing, freedom is everything. 

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