Sep 7, 2024


In order to revive your passion you must force yourself to love it again. Start it again, even if you haven't did it for years just start doing it again and never stop, that's how to revive it. In order to rekindle the fire you must start it and just do it again and again. The feelings should not intervene, actions must be the priority not the emotion. Take the first step and never stop, you need to force yourself to take actions or else you will never make any momentum. Just do it and never hold yourself back, you are the one who killed your passion and you're the one who can revive it. I know you still want to do it so do it now, forget the time you wasted, never care if you're rusty or slow, the only thing that matters is bringing the love back and not hesitating to do it once more. Stop wasting time overthinking and just do it. You can act now, never delay anything, never procrastinate because it's the number one killer of passion. You have to be good in mastering starting, be a fast starter, be a doer and never care if the results were perfect or not. That's how to become a doer... never care if you're doing fine or not and just do it. Never care if you make mistakes, never care if you struggle and just force yourself to do it. Once you have that momentum it will be easier and faster, the reason why you struggle so much is because you're a perfectionist and overthinking. Stop thinking and your life will get easier. Stop being lazy, stop being a coward, stop being slow and just do it. You will feel much better when you start, you will feel really good and confident if you just do it and never hold back. Get addicted with the process, get your hands dirty and never stop. Free yourself from the outcome and try to express yourself as much as you can. Focus is the key here, focus on taking it one step at a time and never stop. Go farther as much as you can, enjoy the steps that you take and never judge any of your actions. Remember that this is a journey not a destination, every path is the right path, every action is the right action if you will make a stand for it. 

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