Sep 18, 2024


It is not you that is stopping you, it's not the lack of skill or talent or power that is stopping you... it's weakness around you that you believe. What are these weaknesses? it's fear of failure, temptation, instant gratification, lack of discipline, overthinking, fear of what people say, fear of the future, lack of self belief... these are the real weaknesses that is stopping you from getting better. You have to believe in yourself, what creates belief? I mean strong belief? it is discipline, affirmation and preparation. If you are working hard for yourself, if you keep grooming and honing your skills then you will have an unparalleled belief. But the problem is you are letting weaknesses stop you, you are letting laziness which is the number one source of weakness take over and control your life. You procrastinate all the time, you keep delaying your responsibilities, you are not preparing for challenges, instead you are letting your pleasures be the priority. Bit if you will choose power which is being disciplined, doing whatever it takes to win, working hard and developing yourself skills then you will become unstoppable, sometimes a simple thought is already stopping you, you must be aware of this, be aware of you are changing direction or slowing down just because a random thought come across your mind. Never care about your thoughts and emotions and choose to become unstoppable. Being emotional means being weak. Being nervous, being afraid of embarrassment and failure, being afraid of mistakes, being afraid of what people say... these are the qualities of an emotional weak person. Never let any emotion stop you from being yourself and expressing your ideas, you have to be bold and aggressive, you have to become a doer and not just a thinker or a waiter. The opportunity will never come, you have to force fate, you have to take matters into your own hands or else you will end up on the same place forever, do you want that? Weakness is a state of mind, it's weak ideas and actions, it's comfort and procrastination. You have to make a move now and give everything you've got. The time for taking over is now, start taking the first step and keep moving forward all the time. If you lose you lose, if you got embarrassed so be it. But don't ever let the idea of playing it safe and not taking the risk stop you, greatness is waiting to be experienced, unleash the beast inside of you and never stop believing in yourself. Just move forward no matter what and give everything you've got. It's ok if you come up short but never exert a mediocre effort ever. 

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