Sep 21, 2024


You didn't come this far only to give up, you can't give up now, go back to work, go back to grind and work as hard as you can, again and again and again, this is a never ending process. It is what it is, if it's hard so be it but don't ever give up, stop acting like a chicken, stop being coward. It's just laziness, you feel unmotivated because you are feeling lazy, you think you can't fight anymore because you want to win right away. Forget about winning or losing and just focus on moving, as simple as that. You have to keep going, there is always a next step, you will never run out of what to do, you can do more, you can start taking actions now even if you are feeling bad... that is your power, forcing yourself to move even if it seems that it is over, but the truth is it is not over until you win, you must have that psycho mentality, the will to win, the burning desire. You can't give up if you want to give up, you can't go back if you want to go back. You can't act weak if you want to act weak. You can't look for help if you want some help, it's now or never, are you going to accept the challenge or not? if you quit now then it will become your habit, you're going to quit forever, you will quit even if the challenge is doable, you will fold right away the moment you feel some pressure. Become a doer, become a finisher, become the best that you can be, as simple as that. Don't procrastinate, stop moving slow and move faster. You have to bet on yourself, even if it looks so impossible to succeed... still believe that you're going to succeed no matter what. Don't waste your precious time worrying and fearing what will happen in the future. There's no time to become scared, you can become scared for a little bit but never let it ruin your day, never let fear play with your mind, you have to play with it and treat it like a compass. Whenever you're scared of doing something... do it and never hold yourself back, you may feel uncomfortable, you may feel really bad and heavy but that's the real fight, that's the real challenge... it's you forcing yourself to take actions. It's not the problem, it's not the challenge or test that makes your life harder... it's you having the inability to control yourself and force yourself to do the right thing, that's the real problem. If you can discipline yourself to do what you need to do and disregard your emotions then you will become a very powerful human being, you will become unstoppable, you will become one of a kind. 

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