Sep 15, 2024


Don't quit yet, keep moving forward, try again for one more time, I know it's hard but you have to keep on fighting or else you will never win. You are getting closer and closer because you believe. Believing is the key, what you believe will happen, it's only just a matter of time before it happen, just believe and everything will work out. 


You may not see the result yet, you may feel that i's not making an impact but it is. Yes it is, just keep on working, you don't need a lot of strength to take the first step. Focus and believe that you are getting closer and closer. Don't worry about the time needed before you make it, don't worry about long work because you will still work after becoming successful, the work will never end so embrace the hard work and just try to win as much as you can. You are improving every time you are working, something will click in just a matter of time, all it takes is dedication and determination. Every action is working, just persevere and never give up when it is hard. When it's hard that you need to go harder, stop feeling bad every time you struggle because struggling and failing is part of the journey, it is part of the design. You will never win if you keep on complaining that life is hard, you have to embrace the difficulty and just take one more step. Get closer and closer to success. It's only just a matter of time before you win, winning is hard but it is too simple... just focus ad believe in yourself, you have the power to make it happen, you are getting closer and closer because you believe. Work empowers a belief, some people can't believe in themselves because they are not working. Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean you can't work, you can find something to do and make it your source of living, you can find a task that will give you direction and confidence. Stop wasting time worrying about the future, your future is what you're doing now. 


hard work can be not a struggle, if you will just enjoy the process and stop acting like a spoiled child then it will never be a struggle anymore. The reason why it's a struggle is because you really don't want to work, as simple as that. Once you start look forward to finish it, finish it no matter what and it will never become a struggle anymore. The reason why you feel like it's a struggle is because you're doing a lot of things that are not serving you at all, you are not helping yourself, you are making life more difficult than what it use to. It will be easier if you focus, focus is the key, remove all the distractions and you will feel much better, take it one step at a time, take it slowly if you need to but don't ever stop. 

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