Sep 22, 2024


You're just wasting your time talking, if want to do it then just do it and stop opening your mouth because it's just a waste of energy. The time you use for talking could have been use to do something else, you could have done a lot of things now but you choose to become a talker that is why you're not progressing. The idea is to attack and never stop, that is the concept. Keep moving forward until you win, talking like a parrot because it is not helping you at all, it's just making you weak and unproductive. If you want a better life then you better do something now, start taking actions and keep moving forward towards your dreams. This is simply about habits, positive habits attracts success, the more you take care of yourself and get better the more successful you will be. This is a basic thing but it is hard because you were programmed the wrong way, you have a lot of trash habits that is why you can't advance in life. It's time to check yourself out, what you've been doing lately and what are the actions that are you trying to avoid that might help you get to the next level? most people will choose comfort over taking actions because they want to feel good all the time not knowing that is comfort and pleasures are killing them. If you really want to make it in life then avoid comfort and keep taking actions that will help you get closer and closer to success. Stop being a bum because it is not helping you at all. Talking is for the losers, doing is for the winners. It's so obvious that taking actions will get the job done and talking is not getting you anywhere. So shut your mouth and just work as hard as you can, as simple as that. Be fast in taking actions and never hesitate to try something, take risks and never give up no matter what. Time is fast so stop wasting it thinking and talking about what you're going to do, avoid comfort because it is a trap, you have to feel uncomfortable because that is the sign that you are doing something good. It is what it is, it's hard so get use to it. It's hard because it's not your habit yet, once you're already accustomed to working hard and giving your al, once you already have the habit of just doing what you need to do then you will become unstoppable. It's simply about forcing yourself to move and that's it, regardless of what the outcome maybe... choose actions and take risks all the time. Just force yourself, this is one skill that you must develop... force yourself to take actions and never stop until you're done with your present task. You are what you repeatedly do so just do whatever it is that is making you improve a little bit, repetition is the key. 

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