Sep 5, 2024


If you can't make a progress then just keep pushing your numbers up. Create your own progress, create your own opportunities. You can't be crying like a chicken and complaining about your situation, you need to push yourself to the limits and try everything you can no matter what. The time for whining and making excuses is over, if you really want it then you will do whatever it takes and neve give up. You will do it even if it's impossible, you will keep trying again and again no matter what. You will never care if it's painful, you will never care if you're not making any progress at all, you will just do it and see what is possible for you. You will keep going further and further no matter what, you will feel unstoppable, you will feel invincible, the belief in yourself is so strong and you will do the impossible, you will go to the extreme and do what most people can't do. Nothing can stop you anymore, you're a man on a mission, you look insane but a control one. You will never waste time, you will never give energy to something that is not helping you. You will become different, you will look like a crazy man but with an intention to win. You will live differently and will try to question the norm. 


If you think that it will work then work on it, never waste time thinking if you're going to fail or succeed. What if is the language of losers, have a strong mentality, always believe that something good is about to happen because it will. Because if you don't believe in yourself then you are about to lose for sure, you're already have been defeated when you give up on yourself. Keep pushing the numbers, this is just an law of averages thing, you just need to keep trying again and again and you will become victorious. Just do it no matter what, do it even if it is hard, do it even if you have no idea how to do it. Stop looking for an easy way out, stop acting like a loser, always move by faith and not by sight, never think that just because you can't see it then it's no there. You will win in just a matter of time but you need to push the numbers higher, repeat more, do more because anybody can lie but numbers won't. 

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