Sep 4, 2024


Stay dirty and fast, make a lot of mistakes, give yourself more room for making a mistake and don't stop after experiencing a lot of defeats. Stay dirty, you don't need a clean process here, you don't need to be perfect and flawless, you don't need to look great. It's ok to look like a fool, it's ok to look like you're trying so hard. This is a concept, it is not about the results... it's your willpower that matters the most. It's the intention, it's the dream, it's the goal, it's the process. Because if you will never work hard then you will never go any further, if you're not willing to make a lot of mistakes then you will never win, as simple as that. Stay dirty and fast, when you fail try again for one more time. Stop crying about it, stop complaining about it, stop whining and just try again for one more time. Stop thinking that you're already a loser if you already tried a thousand times yet still fail. You're only a loser if you quit. So stop thinking negatively and just focus on trying, stop thinking about what people say because their words doesn't even matter at all, what matters is you don't give up and you still believe in yourself. Speed will be your savior, not caring about failing will be your shield. If you are really fast and can try again after making a mistake or failing then you will become a force, nothing can ever stop you. 


if you feel confident about your mistake, if you can forgive yourself fast every time you lose and fail then you're on the right path. You just need to keep going and going, your destination will change once you change your feeling. When you feel good about your struggle then it will never become a struggle anymore. If you feel good about a difficult situation then it will get easier, as simple as that. How you feel mirrors your reality. You can have zero money but still feel rich when you have the right mindset and right attitude about how money rotates. If you really feel confident then no words, critics or problem can ever shake you up, nothing can disturb your peace because you just knew you're going to win in the end. 


Be thankful, that's how to have more energy to keep going. Be thankful of what you have, be thankful of the opportunity everyday to get better and win. Be thankful that you are still alive and can do something about your life. 

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