Sep 19, 2024


You will only get tired if you think you need to work for more longer hours and you're thinking about going home already, you will only get tired if you think your opponent is very strong and you think you're not going to win. You will only get tired if you think you're not making any progress. You will only get tired if you think you're not making enough money. You will only get tired if you think you are being abused and being treated unfairly. But if you don't think that way then you will become relentless you will have energy to do more and you will keep going no matter what. Being tired is only in the mind, it's only in your thoughts. Stop thinking that you are tired and you will become more powerful. Take it one step at a time and keep going further, never think that what you have is not enough. You are enough and what you have is enough, if you want to get more then do more or look for more. Stop complaining, stop dwelling with your emotions because it will really make you tired even more. Of course you will get tired but it will double when you're not loving what you're doing. Learn to love the moment, always think that this is a journey and there is nothing wrong in your life. What makes it wrong, less, tiring is your perspective. You have to think differently if you want a different result. Always think that you're not being a victim here, you are lucky if you are working, you are lucky even if you're getting less because you're still getting something. Never think that you're in a rat race, stuck is just a perspective. You can find something that makes you feel progressive. If you think your life is improving then it is improving, you don't need to rush to get money, success or comfort. Just be happy where you are and you will have more energy, always think that you have a lot of time, always think that everything that is happening is going your way. Today is going to be a great day so try again. Never complain about being tired, never complain that you are not getting enough because only weak people do that. If you don't like what is going on then change something but don't ever make excuses, don't blame somebody for your feelings. You are responsible for what you feel, remember that and you will have more power. Nothing should affect you, nothing should make you feel bad, you are in control of your thoughts and emotions, remember this and you will become a beast. Stop being emotional because you will get tired even more if you do it. Just keep going no matter what, keep fighting and enjoy the process. Enjoy every moment of your life even if you think it is ugly, appreciate it and never complain just for a second. 

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