Sep 27, 2024


Stop looking for an evidence that it will work before you do it. Just do it and never stop, it's not about the results, it's about your work ethic and tenacity, it's how bad you want it. You don't need to look for any validation or proof that you're going to become successful in what you do, you can make it if you really want it, you can do it if you will giver everything you've got, as simple as that. Because you're not going to win if you're always doubting yourself, you will never make any progress if you're always afraid to take risks. You have to do it no matter what, do it even if it is hard, do it even if it is impossible. At the end of the day the only question is if you really gave your all or not, you can't be complaining if all you do s make excuses and look for an easy way out, you will never make it if you're always comparing yourself to others. If you have an idea... execute it, start it and never stop until you win. Something will work, something will click in just a matter of time, perseverance and patience is the key here, stop feeling frustrated if you can't see an improvement, it only means you're not working hard enough, seek an you will find, work and you will make something work, what you are looking for is also looking for you. An opportunity will come if you already did a lot, so stop acting like a coward, stop being lazy and just focus on working hard. Focus on what you can control and that is your effort and consistency, if you focus on what you can't control like the results, number of likes, attitude of your boss, luck etc. then you will become weak, you will never feel powerful, you will feel out of control and being manipulated, you will feel like a victim sometimes, you will think that life is unfair. But if you focus on working hard, being disciplined, being a believer, controlling your thoughts and actions... you will feel unstoppable, it's because nothing can stop you in real life, you will work as hard as you can and nobody can stop you from having that perspective. Don't ask someone if what you're doing is right, don't compare yourself to others, don't look for what is not working in your work, just keep plodding and keep moving forward no matter what. You can do a lot of things today, you just need to force yourself and stop being a chicken, you have to get addicted to the process, get obsess with working and good things will happen to your life. The time for being great is now, force yourself to become the best version of yourself, work on your dreams, work on yourself, work on trying to improve one day at a time and stay on your own lane.

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