Sep 6, 2024


If you're asking how long will you continue the answer is very simple, until it's over. Until you can't move anymore, until you don't have anymore choice. Until there is no more way but it is impossible because you will always find a way, it only means this will become your life... you have to keep going forever, what a good life it is, you're unstoppable and alive forever. Because if you will not move then you will be dead, your soul will go away, you will have no purpose, you will have no drive, you have no destination anymore. Make this as your lifestyle, make this as your culture... keep moving forward even if it is hard, never stop, never quit and just do something you can do now. Your job is to do what you can and not to become the best, some people wanted the best for their lives but they couldn't even take a single action. Your job is to take it one step at a time and never stop. Just keep going, there is always a next step, forget about the results, forget about being the best because it will only give you too much pressure, just give your best and that's it. There's no need to become the number one you will become the number one if you really deserve it, you can never control everything, all you can control is yourself and the decisions that you're going to make. So keep going and push yourself to the limits, the time is now, start now and never stop. You can always do the next move and that is guaranteed, nothing can stop you. Make yourself a doer and stay busy all the time doing something positive. Your job will never be over, there is always a next job, there is always something to do and you need to do it. That's the best thing about life... you can move as much as you can and that is a privilege. You will get what you deserve, just don't give up and keep getting better everyday. The time to become a new person is now, if you wanted a new experience then change your personality not your reality, your reality will only change if you change inside and create a new identity that is much better than the past. Don't be afraid of any task, don't be afraid of any responsibility because nothing is hard if you will face it and enjoy the process. Live with your new identity, you're a doer now right? so quit being lazy and just do it, it's better to be faster, it's better to be earlier, if you need to do something... do it now and never delay, never procrastinate because it is the path to misery. Fall in love with taking actions and you will live happier, you have to keep moving forward because it's the easiest path to happiness. Most people think that doing nothing and staying comfortable is the path to happiness but it is really not, you will only feel depressed whenever you're not taking any action. 

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