Sep 25, 2024


You can't be slow if you want to succeed, you can't be emotional and always complaining about how hard it is, you need to force yourself to take actions and giver your very best. The time for moving is now, stop waiting for tomorrow before you give everything you've got, you can do something now and that is power. Start and never stop as simple as that. It doesn't matter if you fail, it doesn't matter if you need to repeat again, force fate, force your life to change, use your willpower and stop being afraid of failing again. Fail again and again until failure doesn't want to see your face anymore. Drop everything that is not serving you, you have to be disciplined and committed, stop any activity that is not giving you any edge and just go all the way. Focus on winning, focus n building a very strong habit that will give you some progress. It doesn't matter if you see big results or not, what matters is you are being fast and you don't care about the obstacles along the way, you can make it if you really want it. Focus is the key here, believe that every step you take is helping you to get on top, believe that you will make it no matter what. The time for being great is now, not tomorrow not later, it's always now. So push yourself to start and never care about your feelings, your feelings will only stop you and slow you down. Just use the power of force, start now and never hold back, never think that you will only get tired, exhaust yourself, go to the extreme and never stop believing. At the end of the day nothing else matters other than taking actions, take massive massive actions if you want to see progress. The reason why your life is not improving is because you are not forcing yourself to move. This is simply a trial and error method, you can't give up when you already made a lot of mistakes, you can't stop when you're already tired, you have to give your all, and giving your all means working until you become successful, you can't stop when you're not winning yet, stop pampering your feelings, stop making dramas and just keep grinding. Stop all your nonsense activities and just keep taking small actions every now and then towards your goal. Chase that goal with all your might, force yourself to move even if you don't want to move anymore, force yourself to take one more step again and again and again, this is a never ending process. Focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions, you can never control the outcome, you will only become weak by doing that, you can only control your effort and perseverance. Always think that you will win no matter what, you will make it if you will really give your all. 

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