Sep 13, 2024


Worrying is for people who doesn't want to move. If you're moving, if you're busy then you will have not time for worrying, you're stagnant that's why you worry a lot but if you will stay active and do everything you can to get to the next level then you will never worry anymore, you just knew that you're going to win, you just knew that the right pieces will come and you will succeed no matter what. You will be able to solve your problems, all you have to do is never give up and you will win, as simple as that. But most people choose to worry instead of taking a small step. One small step will remove 80 percent of your worries, all you have to do is start and there you go... you have a momentum already. Be fast in taking the first step, take it and then follow through. Just repeat the process over and over again and you will find a way. Something will click, something will work, just believe in yourself and trust the process. You don't need to win right away, you just need to try and when you fail... try again for one more time. Worries come from thinking about the future, it's your bad expectations that makes you worried all the time. Thinking about what people will say, thinking about your food tomorrow, thinking if you can finish it before deadline or not, just remember that all worrying does is worsen the situation, it is not helping you at all. Just do what you can do, never care if you are right or wrong and that's it. Every path is the right path, it's ok if you make some mistakes because it is part of the design. 

At the end of the day you own your mind, you are in control of it. If you will just think about positive thoughts then your worries will go away. Worrying is just a state of mind, you can replace it with belief, calmness and trust. Trust that everything will be alright, what will happen will happen, you need to let go of the limiting beliefs and scarcity thoughts if you want to have a better life. You will only become progressive if you are proactive and never reacting to something bad that is happening. Nothing is worse, what's happening now is  part of your life, you can never go further if you're always worried of something that is not even true at all. You are creating fears in your head, you are punishing yourself by thinking the right way, you can be fearless, you can fly, you can express yourself and nothing can stop you. 

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