Sep 13, 2024


If you're looking for something you will only see it if you work hard, there's no other way. You can get money by working hard, you can have a perfect body by working hard and sweating every single day. You will never get what you want if you're lazy, you will never find it during comfortable moments. Success and results will only be found through grind and millions of hours of work. Stop looking for what you need or want if all you do is watch tv and eat pop corn like a pig. You're better than that, you need to push yourself to do what you don't want to do in order to see the results you've been looking for. If you're not working like hell but expecting to live like a king then you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. You need to wake up and do something that is hard but very rewarding. It doesn't matter if you need to work for a lot of hours a day, just do it, its much better than watching a stupid influencer that is fooling you and eating a lot of your time, they're getting your time and you're ok with that, their eating your time and you're getting nothing, is that fair? that little pleasure you get from wasting time will take a toll on you in the end, it will punish you. Just wait and you will see what I am talking about. Waste your time every single day and you will suffer in the future. 


Do something that will make you really work hard, do something that will make you consistent every single day, do something that is really hard and will take hours, months and years to do. This is the only way to feel proud of yourself. If you did something that not all people can do then you will really have strong confidence in yourself, you will feel so strong and motivated. Stop wasting time, just work hard and stay focused every single day and you will feel more confident. The reason why you feel so weak and insecure is because you're not doing something, you're always lazy and wasting a lot of time for useless activities. If you keep on wasting your time then you will never feel good about yourself, you will always feel weak, you will always feel low. It's because laziness and procrastination will never give you anything, it will only make you feel inferior because no improvement is happening in your system.

When you have a free time use it to get better, don't waste it to get worse like watching TV a lot, playing video games and mindlessly scrolling on social media. Stop enjoying watching other people's journey because it is the path to failure. The only way to success is to focus on your journey only and enjoy it as much as you can. You only have one life why waste it watching other people's lives. 

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