Sep 3, 2024


Are you a doer or a loser? that's the biggest question for your identity. Are you creating or procrastinating? you can't be in the middle. Where are you now? what are you doing now? are you just thinking of doing it? or are you actually doing it now? you have to choose what your identity is. You have to know where you stand. If you are a doer then you will become a winner in just a matter of time. Develop yourself to become a doer, once you start something... finish it fast. Don't look for something else to do, don't look for comfort. Just do it. Because doing it is much better than hoping, overthinking or waiting for something good to happen. Miracles or breakthrough will never happen if you keep on waiting for it. You can create your own luck by just working hard and pushing yourself to the limits. It's not going to be easy, nobody said it's going to be easy. If you really wanted to win in life and get what you want you better become something you've never been before. You must create a new personality  to attract a new experience. If you're so sick and tired of getting the same garbage again and again then you need to seize every opportunity you have even if it's a small opportunity. Seize the moment and learn to capitalize. What you have today is the only thing you have, you better maximize it and make it big as it can be. Just become a doer and your life will become much better, if you're not a doer then you're a loser, which one are you? If you want to improve your life then take big actions, exert strong effort and never stop until you finally made it, as simple as that. Don't quit, don't stop and break your limitations, break the boundaries a do whatever it takes to win. If you can work really super hard and focus on what you're trying to achieve then you will get it in just a matter of time. 

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