Aug 31, 2024


You've been feeding your mind a lot of garbage lately that's why you can't focus. You're thinking too much, you're consuming a lot of information on the internet that's why you're always stressed, depressed, unable to focus and don't know what to do. Your mind is processing a lot of information that doesn't need to be processed that's why you're always anxious and cannot function to your very best. You don't need to open the trending link, you don't need to engage with the problem of a stupid celebrity, you don't need to know everything. Tale care of your mind, strengthen your mentality and just focus on the things that will make you better. You will have more peace if you stop feeding your mind with garbage that will poison it. Your mind is everything, stop programming it with different topics, problems, gossips etc. that will only give you headaches and negative emotion. You need to be disciplined, you need to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking or else it will backfire at you in the end. Your mind is a tool for development, don't use it to make your life worse. You can have a much better, richer and healthier life if you will just use your mind the right way. Stop being tempted everyday to click something that doesn't serve you at all. Use your mind to do something great, you need to stay disciplined, committed and strict. Stop being a bum like others, practice delayed gratification, stop yourself all the time, you are the one who is either making or breaking your life with the thoughts that you feed on your mind. Be great, be strong, be mindful and it will only happen if you can select the information that will enter your mind. Teach your mind how to think, train your mind to filter the information that you are about to feed your mind. It takes a lot of effort but you you will get better once you mastered it. any garbage information should be stopped, it should be banned. 

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