Aug 23, 2024


The truth is nothing can stop you, you are unstoppable. You can do anything you want, you can chase any dreams, you can go for any goal. The only thing that stopping you is the results, you get frustrated when you can't see results, you quit when you feel that nothing is progressing. But the truth is you can try as much as you can, you can attack your dreams again and again, nothing can stop you. You are quitting because you are comparing yourself to others, you think that nothing is working, you think that it is not for you because your expectations were not met. But if you will just come to think of it... you can make a small progress everyday, you can move everyday, you can take as many steps as you can and not be jailed for it. You can push yourself to the limits, the only thing that is stopping you is your desire to win right away, you want the fast route, you will try for a few times or for a few years and when you can't get it... you will quit, you are the only one who is stopping yourself and nobody else. It's your fault, it's your decision, nobody can decide for you. You can keep going even if you're badly losing, you can still advance even if the whole world is against you. You are unstoppable if you can fix a mindset of not quitting. Whatever it takes go for it, even if it will take a million years to get it... go and get it, make it your path, make it your journey, don't ever stop until you win because it will never be over until you win. Stop being a quitter and try again, try again and again until the universe can't deny you anymore. You can't get it because you don't want it bad, you're not doing something exceptional, you're simply an ordinary statistic. But if you will make yourself extraordinary and exert a very strong effort, if you will just use your willpower and force fate then you will get a different result. But the problem is you're too mediocre, you're not making an impact because your actions has no impact at all. You're weak everyday, your numbers were very low, your energy was very weak... you're not doing something that will shake the world. If you really want it then your focus will be different, your actions will be very different, you will raise eyebrows, you will become a force. The reason why you keep on losing is because you allow it, you are happy getting leftovers and peanuts, you are satisfied surviving. What you do not know is you can thrive too, you can become powerful too, it's just a matter of forcing yourself to work even if you don't want to work, it's just a matter of going all in and not limiting yourself. Go all the way, if you're going to try... go all the way and never care if it is hard or impossible. Never care if luck is not on your side and just go for it every single day. You can do it if you want it so bad, you will never feel any difficulty if you're really decided that you're going to get it no matter what. Extra effort is what you need, focus and never let any distraction waste your time, you have to stay lock in no matter what. Never let temptations stop you, never let pleasures make you weak and slow, you have to be fast here, you have to have a heart of a lion, you have to stay hungry all the time and never slack off when the situation is comfortable. You have to make yourself uncomfortable all the time... that's the only way to make a progress. 

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