Aug 29, 2024


Every time you force yourself to take actions and do something that is hard and makes you feel lazier... you're already winning. Every time you take a risk and do it anyway you're already progressing. Success isn't about getting the money or prize, it is controlling yourself and forcing yourself to do the right thing even if it is scary and uncomfortable. It's getting better everyday internally, it's doing what most people can't do, it's committing to the process and not giving up even if it is hard and impossible. You just do it no matter what, you just take the next step even if you don't have any idea if you're right. You just believe even if it is impossible to believe, you celebrate the small improvements and you never stop taking actions. You continue to move forward even if the world is against you, you still bet on yourself even if you're doubting yourself, you keep chasing your dreams and goals even if it is so hard and that you can't move anymore. You keep doing it again and again, you don't care about what people say, you don't care about your feelings, you only care about taking actions and that's it. Because hat is the only way to get better, that is the only way to victory... keep taking risks, keep moving even if you don't want to move anymore. Even if you failed a thousand times already, you still don't give up and you keep fighting until the end. Every scary step you take is victory, it is making you closer and closer to success, you may not see the results yet but you will see it on the right time. For now keep taking steps and never stop moving forward, you got this, all you need to do is don't quit and that's it, you will win, it's only just a matter of time before a breakthrough happens, don't stop, don't listen to what people say and keep believing in yourself no matter what. 

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