Aug 15, 2024


Nothing is hard if you will just relax, live in the moment, embrace everything and give your very best. It is hard because you ae resisting, you are hiding, you are not working. Just breathe, stay still and be present. Do what you need to do and never think about the future. What will happen will happen, focus on what you can control and that is taking actions and conditioning your mind to believe in yourself. If you really believe in yourself then you will work as hard as you can, you will believe in every step you take and you will never back down to any challenge, you will believe that you can finish anything and face any kind of adversity. Because life will never get easier, it will always be hard, it will always test you. You have to push yourself to just do it and give everything you've got. Stop pampering your emotions because it will never help you. You will only have a herder time every time you make dramas and focus on what is hard. If it is hard do it, if it's easy do it, you should never know the difference between what is easy and hard, you should focus on forcing yourself to take actions only and never complain, never make excuses. It will be a lot easier if you are not rushing it, take your time but stop pretending to be slow, you need to give your best every single second but don't rush the process and just do it. 


If there is a work... just do it and never complain about the situation, always be ready, always feel ready. The truth is you will not be ready all the time but you have to force yourself to take actions whenever you need to, force your body to move, just take the first step and that's it. Once it becomes your habit to force yourself to take actions whenever you feel lazy... you're already a different animal, you are one of a kind, it means you're disciplined enough to succeed. You can move anytime you want, it's just a matter of willpower. Train your willpower to just d it even if you don't feel like it. be ready even if you're not ready, take actions even if you don't like it. 


You are making yourself a joke by being slow, lazy, hesitant and coward. You need to be good in forcing yourself to take the first step even if you don't like it... that's the only way to make a progress in life. You will only make yourself a high value person if you're going hard every single day and not wasting any single second, you will be very proud of yourself if you're doing whatever it takes even if you're not getting any result. You will feel more confident if you stay disciplined and doing the important tasks even if it's uncomfortable. It is a skill, it will become a talent if you practice it everyday... just move, be fast in taking the first step and follow through as much as you can. Stop making excuses, stop looking for an easy way out and just do what you need to do. Pull the trigger now, stop thinking and just do it no matter what. You will finish it, you will be able to survive any difficult challenge, just condition your mind that everything is easy, everything is doable, nothing is impossible. 

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