Aug 17, 2024


Fear is the compass, go towards what scares you because it will make you grow, it will make you evolve, it will strengthen your mentality and will give you a different kind of experience. Has it happen to you where you're so scared to do something but you do it anyway? it feels so good right? you feel happy and your confidence increases. Once you face your fears... your mentality go to another level, you're braver now, you're stronger now and you have a very strong momentum to face another challenge, you knew you can survive anything. Don't be scared because everything will be alright. Face your fears now before it get stronger, the more you delay something the stronger your fear gets, you have to control your thoughts and think of something that scares you as something that will make you better for the rest of your life if you face it and own it. Feel your fear, don't be scared to get scared, you just need to feel it and you will be able to neutralize it. Being scared is normal, feeling the discomfort is normal, there is nothing bad about it. Don't resist it... embrace it. It's ok to become scared, it's ok to feel something uncomfortable, don't panic, don't judge it as something bad. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger so if something you don't like id disturbing you then just let it be, let it hurt you, let it make you feel something but don't react about it... just stay calm and breathe, it's a journey, it's a wonderful journey that you must accept. Understand that fear is a normal thing and it is part of your daily life, life will become very boring without fear, go towards your fear, stop backing down, stop hiding and face it with all your heart. Once you're scared... always think that it's time to do something, move and your fears will go away, learn to fight, learn to focus on what you want to happen and never focus on the future... just be still and be in the moment. At the end of the day nothing will happen to you id you don't face you fears, you will never grow if you don't embrace what you are frightened of. All the hiding and making excuses not to face it will make you scared even more, it will develop a chicken mentality and you will always be afraid if something is threatening you. 

Just go and see where your feet takes you. You don't need to become perfect here, you don't need to feel good all the time, you just need to move and keep going further as much as you can. If you are lazy then it means you're scared of taking actions too, you don't want to get tired, you don't want to feel uncomfortable, you don't want to fail. That is making you a loser, that is making you weak so you need to work as soon as you're feeling lazy, whatever it is that you need to do... do it without thinking about the future. You're so worried about what's going to happen next that's why you're stuck in a mud. But if you will just let go, if you will just free yourself from thinking then you will be able to make a progress. Look at yourself, are you slowing down right now? are you always hesitating? are you always thinking that you can just do it later or tomorrow? if the answer is yes then it means you're not growing, you're not getting better instead you are getting worse. You better man up, you better force yourself to move now or else you will become stuck forever, stagnancy is the enemy of progress. Complacency will kill you, stop being too comfortable because it's making you weak and dumb, you have to feel uncomfortable most of the time if you want to become a different animal. It's simply taking actions and showing up, what's so difficult about that? nothing will kill you if you move, you can always start now. Never hesitate and just move. You can get better all the time, you just need to force yourself. 

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