Aug 7, 2024


It is very simple and easy... just avoid perfection, don't be afraid of what people say and that's it. It's not that you will never follow rules and become an untamed animal, you will just express yourself the right way and just do what you need to do without hurting anybody. Avoid trying to look cute, avoid trying to please people, avoid trying to fake greatness and just be yourself. Do what you can do and never feel ashamed of it even just for a second. Accept yourself, accept your weaknesses and always give your very best no matter what. To feel free you need to force yourself to try, take risk and never care about the outcome. Never care about success and just focus on your philosophy and that is to welcome every experience and embrace the unknown. 


Choose speed over anything else, choose hard work, choose discipline. That is how to become free, you're always chained by your thoughts, limitations and boundaries you place upon yourself. Be fast when taking actions, always prioritize a neutral mind. Speed will make you see your full potential. Speed will make you forget your problems, it will power you up, it will make you do more, it will erase your fears. Choose to be fast, forget about how you feel and choose speed instead. Speed will make you a different animal, if you're fast then you will get stronger, you will accomplish more and get more. Speed is a skill that is easy to develop, there is no training needed, all you have to do is force yourself to take actions and never stop. Push as far as you can go, keep going further no matter what. Anyone can become faster but not everyone will choose it because they don't want to get tired, going further is very tiring but it is the place where greatness stays, you will never witness greatness if you are so scared of failing and being tired. Face your fears, embrace the pain, be faster, decide fast and act fast, never wait for the right timing because it will never come. 


Don't look for attention from other people, just be yourself. Detach from what they think or feel towards you. Looking for attention means you are not expressing yourself honestly, it means you are doing it for other people, you are doing something to gain attention and appreciation which is bad. It means you cannot live without them and they are controlling you. At the end of the day you don't need their attention, looking for it will only make you stiff and conservative. If you want to feel loose, free and creative then you need to master not giving a damn about what they say or think. You can never control their thoughts and emotions. It's their fault if they are insecure, they are weak if they are letting anybody control their feelings. If you keep on focusing on the attention of others then you will get weaker, slower and frightened, you will never be yourself anymore, you will never feel how it feels to become great. 

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