Aug 30, 2024


You need to force yourself to work as hard as you can and see what is possible for your life, you need to create your own opportunities and never wait for something if you really wanted to change your life, your hope is useless, you can never wait for luck, nothing will change if you don't force anything. You will only attract better opportunities if you're taking massive actions and doing whatever it takes to win, a progress will never happen if you keep on giving the same weak efforts everyday. Just because you worked hard for 5 straight hours doesn't mean you already deserve to get more, you need to try harder than that, it is what it is, you want this right? you want to change your life right? you want want to make a breakthrough then take matters into your own hands and never let fate decide where your destiny end up. Be assertive, be forceful and use aggression, it is what it is, it's going to be really hard and uncomfortable but you need to focus on winning if you really wanted to make a difference in your life. Stop being a punk, stop being slow and weak and do what you can do at the moment, take small steps, inch by inch.. do it and never stop until you finally made it. If you really want it then you will find a way, if there is a will there is a way. Focus is the only thing you need to master, focus on getting it and never give up even if it looks to impossible. Push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got, the power is in your hands, make it happen now, do it now and never hold back, time is ticking, time is running, you need to go all in now and see what is possible if you keep going further as much as you can. Breakthrough will only happen to those who are willing to make a breakthrough, it will never happen to people who are just wishing for it. So keep grinding and do the impossible, use all of your strength and tenacity to create a miracle, greatness happens to those who are willing to give their all. And when you fail... try again, never give up, this is your path now, you have no choice but to keep going because you're so sick and tired of living the same life over and over again. Do something, don't waste your time and energy, don't waste another day hoping for something to happen, take it seriously, push yourself to take actions and go all the way. Drop everything that is thing you down, get rid of every activity that is useless and time consuming. Man up and become powerful as you can be, do it now, start now and focus on being relentless and fast. You don't need to become perfect here you just need to become faster than everyone else, while they are waiting... you are working, while they are sleeping you are working. 

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