Aug 14, 2024


It is very simple, you are procrastinating because you want perfection, you want comfort and assurance, you want to finish a task right away, you don't know that it is a journey. You want shortcuts, you want a magic pill to get everything done without suffering, you simply wanted an easy life that has no challenge, you feel that you are entitled of something that you don't deserve. You think you can do it but you don't even want to take the first step and that is why you are so lazy, that is why you get weaker and weaker everyday. You are always looking for something before you take actions. You're looking for food, coach, new shoes, new topic, new technique, new hope or new motivation before you start. You think you need something before you start, you want a perfect start, you want everything to be easy that is why you're always waiting for something before you pull the trigger. You feel like a star, you feel like a special person, you feel like a chosen one, you think you're smart that's why you don't want to take actions. But if you will just do it, if you will just force yourself to start a task and finish it then your confidence will grow, repeat the process again and again and you will improve very fast, your life will change dramatically. Always think that the time to take actions is now, not later not next week. If you can master this habit then you will become unstoppable. The truth is you're the only one who is stopping yourself because of your diva like attitude, you're always acting like you deserve something you didn't work for. You don't deserve anything if you didn't work hard for it. 

Focus on being fast. This is not about results, this is not about being the number one, this is not about success... this is about being a doer. Start fast, even if it is too uncomfortable, even if you hate doing it... start it, do it and never stop. At the end of the day the only question is if you did it, if you did whatever it takes to become a winner, that's the only question. It's not about being perfect or great, it's not about being flawless and exceptional... it's about you making your hands dirty and not backing down to any challenge of life. Stop looking for perfection and focus on the execution. Start looking for the little things that you can do that will improve your life. Just give yourself a chance to win, it doesn't matter if you succeed, success is only in the mind, you may become successful but still feel like a failure. Success is just a feeling and you will feel so much better if you will give your all and never hold back just for a second. Kill laziness by being fast, do the first step and never stop until you're done. Time is ticking, it will never wait for you. So go hard now and never stop, always look for the next step. Whatever you think is right is right, try it and make it work. Something will click if you keep on trying again and again, you will master something, you will find a way. believe in the power of actions, stop overthinking now and just force fate. Climb the mountain little by little, never give up, always push yourself to the limits and never think about quitting. If you really want it then you will do it but if you just want it for the sake of looking cute then you will never go out of your comfort zone, you have to want it bad like the air that you breathe and water that you drink whenever you are thirsty. 

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