Aug 8, 2024

make a small action

Make a move, make a small action and do whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. Face what is hard, face the pressure, face the difficulty. You have the power to move, that is your best asset, that is your best talent, you can do anything you need to, you can do anything you want, it all depends on how fast you decide. Time is running, it is ticking all the time, it will never wait for you so if I were you you must pull the trigger now and stop thinking too much. Stop wasting time because it will never help, stop wasting energy on things that will never make you better because it will only make you weak, you need to do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Taking action is the best thing to do rather than being so lazy and thinking negatively... just move. Being lazy will make you a negative person, you will over think and you will become scared, your confidence will go down. Make a move and you will feel much better, stronger and your confidence will go up, as simple as that. If you're not moving then you're declining, you have to force yourself to stay busy all the time and do whatever it takes to get to the next level or improve your life a little bit. Make small progress everyday and stay consistent, if you are moving then you're already progressing. So if you want to feel much better and stronger... make a small move, you don't need to become powerful to move, you just need to force your lazy ass. It is what it is, it's going to be hard especially if you have a habit of being lazy all the time, you need to use brute force and willpower in order to change your life. If you will not go hard then you will never change, you will stay the same weak person that couldn't even finish a small task. Embrace the stress if you wanted to change, take it one step at a time and be patient. Patience is a virtue, it will take you further, it will make you better without noticing it. The best time to do it is now, what the hell are you waiting for? you will never get lucky if you keep on acting the same way. Do it even if you don't want to do it. 


What will you do if you are fearless? fearless doesn't mean you no longer feel the fear, it means you are willing to get scared and do what you need to do anyway, it means you are willing to embrace what life throws at you, you have this philosophy of just doing it no matter what. Failures doesn't matter at all, what matters is your belief in yourself, it should never change, it should never be affected by anything or anyone, you must become a delusional, you must work as hard as you can and never give up when things are tough. Take more risk and face challenges, face adversity because it will make you grow, you have nothing to lose if you take actions. 

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