Aug 22, 2024


You are hurt because you keep on thinking about it, you talk about it and you make dramas about it. You are hurt because you want to get hurt, you are not controlling your emotions, you are not trying to heal yourself. You want sympathy, you're making excuses, you're not training your mind to get stronger to endure the pain you're experiencing. Ignore the pain and move forward, stop the dramas, stop being a diva, stop trying to look weak so that people will understand you or will be on your side. Just use the strength that you have and endure the pain. What else can you do? you have no choice but to keep on fighting if you wanted to win. There is no other way but to keep on fighting and persevering, the choice is yours, do you want to look like a victim or not? Sometimes it's not so painful at all but you're making it a big deal, you want sympathy from other people, you want to look hurt so they will give you attention and special treatment. You're making a lot of dramas, you're simply want to look like a victim. And that is why you feel weak all the time, if you constantly look for sympathy and concern from other people then you will feel weak, it's because your strength is not from within, it's coming form outside, it's coming from what you can't control. Focus on what you can control and you will feel powerful. Focus on your thoughts and actions. 


Cancel every thought that is not helping you to become a fighter. This is a mind game. Every time you give attention to negativity you are hurting yourself even more, the pain gets stronger and stronger, focus on what you want and imagine it happening, visualize it and take actions to make it real. Always stay positive all the time, stop reacting, stop thinking about negative, stop thinking about the worse things that may happen. What will happen will happen, if you have to live why not live fearlessly. You can live without worries and fear if you will just condition your mind to think the right way. You're in control here you just need to be mindful and aware of your consciousness. The journey starts now, ignore the pain, ignore the problems, ignore what bothers you and it will go away. 

You can feel invincible, you can feel strong if you will just think that way. Do what powerful people do, stop complaining and just keep moving forward all the time. Take actions instead of making dramas and scenes just to attract people's attention. You are not helping yourself every time you're acting like a weak puppy. You need to act like a lion... get stronger when you're wounded, challenge yourself to feel powerful even if you're feeling a lot of pain. At the end of the day you are in control of how you react with your situation. You can act like a warrior or act like slave, which one are you? Focus on things that are worth focusing on. Put your attention on something that will make you forget your pain, at the end of the day what you're focusing on will be your reality. Focus on trying to get stronger instead of trying to look weaker. 

Ignore what is hurting you,  ignore the pain, never complain about it, never cry about it and it will go away anytime soon. You can endure anything, you can survive anything and that is your greatest asset, that is your greatest power. 

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