Aug 25, 2024

if there is an idea execute it now

If there is an IDEA... EXECUTE it  right now and never hesitate, the idea here is to become fast and fearless, never care about the future because what you desire will happen in just a matter of time. You just need to persist and be patient, you need to work hard and enjoy the process even if you're struggling. A struggle will never feel like a struggle if you're enjoying every second of it and not complaining about the situation. Something gets harder because most people are complaining and always looking for an easy way out. They are rushing the process, they don't give time for the development of the project. Patience is essentials, learn to wait while working hard, you can't force a seed to grow, all you can do is work on it and trust that it will grown on the right time. 

EVERY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY So stop doubting yourself if your idea was right or wrong, stop questioning the process because if your intention is right then it is right, as simple as it sounds. Stop overthinking, stop worrying that it might not work, it will work if you will try to make it work, as simple as that. Every way is the right way, you have to trust the process, believe in your journey and never give up. Something will work, something will click if you are serious with it, you just need to keep going no matter what and never lose the belief in yourself. You have to become a little bit crazy and delusional here, you have to ignore all the naysayers and critics, you have to have the strongest mental state that you can ever have and you will achieve it if you just act like unbothered and just do what you need to do no matter what. Don't be afraid to have a hard time because it is normal, you will really have to face adversities and different types of challenges if you wanted to grow and become something else. Stop being to technical, stop asking how are you going to do it and just do it, whatever idea you have in your mind... execute it and never wait for the right time, the right time is always now, not tomorrow, not later, start now and finish strong. 


Your thoughts alone is a distraction. Every time you think about something that is not even connected to your goal... you already got distracted. Every time you got scared because of the information that you consumed from news, gossips or random post in social media... you already lost your focused. There are only two types of people in the world... one is successful and the other one is distracted. Life gets harder when you're allowing distractions to control you, you have to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking. Distractions starts in your head, every time you think about pleasures that are not irrelevant you already got distracted. It's also outside, you have to stay away from things, activities and people that are of no use to you. Be selective where your time and energy goes. Become a finisher, never let anything stop you from doing what you've been doing, once you start... always go for the kill, have that killer mindset, never delay something, never make excuses, never postpone the most important task infront of you. Once you become a doer and not a thinker... you will become unstoppable, you will be able to create something great, you can become something you've never been before. 

Don't resist discomfort, face it and you will make it easier. Because you will grow from it, it will make you a better person, it will take your mentality to another level. 

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