Aug 12, 2024


If you will just enjoy it, if you will just do the work, if you will stop complaining and just working then everything will get easy. It is hard because you think that it is hard. Condition your mind that it is easy and it will be easy, it's all in the mind. What you think is what you will feel, what you feel will manifest its equivalent. Even if something is really hard... never get intimidated by it, face it and work on it. Never get scared of working hard, push yourself to the limits and go all the way. 


if you are working hard, if you are giving your all then that is enough because you become a better person by doing that. That is a huge prize already everything else was just a bonus. If you become a legit hard worker everyday and your consistency is top of the line then you will become part of the 1%, you will get on top, you will become unstoppable. hard work will make you a different human being, it will make you a manifestor of success, opportunities will come to you, people will like you because people like a workhorse that they can rely on, they want to be carried, they want someone who will do the work and make their lives easier. 


just try and never stop, it is better than crying, it is better than complaining and making excuses. So instead of complaining and talking about your problems... just do the work and never stop, go further as much as you can, try to win, execute every idea that you have in your head, take risks and never give up. Failing is just a normal thing, it is nothing, this is your journey, you have to believe in yourself and have fun with the process. At the end of the day this is just a game, you have nothing to lose here if you're having so much fun. Never pressure yourself to win, pressure yourself to do the work and show up every single day. Just try, it is a privilege, nothing can stop you, nothing can limit you, you just need to face failures every now and then, you just need to feel nothing about failing because it is a normal thing, enjoy it and don't be afraid of it. Once you're no longer scared of failing... you will be free and next is success. People fail because they're afraid of losing, that is the reality, if they're not scared of failing then they will work harder, they will take risks and get more creative. But they're so afraid to fail for whatever reason, maybe they thought they were so special and not allowed to fail. 


If your style is all about working, if it's all about attaching then your life will get easier. Attack your goals, attack your tasks and never hold back, this will make your life easier, don't refuse to work and always keep moving forward no matter what. All you have to do when you're not making money is look for a job or find a way how to make money, as simple as that. Attack now, what are you waiting for? you have to stop overthinking and just try. There is no harm in trying, you may fail but at least you tried, once you fail... you already leveled up because you already have an experience, you know what to do next time. 

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