Aug 1, 2024


Be proud of yourself silently. You're still here, you're still alive and giving your best even if you're not winning. You're still in the game, you're still fighting and working your way to the top. Maybe you didn't achieve your expectations but you're still moving inch by inch and not stopping at all. Be proud even if you have zero accomplishments because you're still chasing your goals and you still believe in yourself. You are still working hard and giving your all, you're still finding a way how to win and you don't give a damn if you win or fail. Be happy with your small actions, with those actions you're already improving even if you can't see it. Push a little further everyday and stay consistent, consistency is the name of the game, with that mindset you will remain confident and competitive. It's hard to be consistent that is why people are not getting the results that they want, they want it fast, they want it right away without being patient. You are improving every time you do what is hard but needed, you are evolving, you may not feel it yet, you may not see the results but you are really evolving. It's a process, you're still doing what you can, you're still loving the struggle, you're still grinding everyday and in your heart you will win no matter what, it's just a matter of time before you see the fruits of your labor. 

So don't ever quit, don't stop, just keep moving forward and give everything you've got. You have a chance, never care about what's going on around you and just force yourself to take actions. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, just keep fighting and believe in yourself all the time. Your belief is the barometer of success, your hard work is what keeps you in the game, you will never lose if you keep on working hard. Hard work is easy if you will get use to it, so train your body and mind to keep working harder each day, stay committed and never give up, you have what it takes to win in life. So focus on what you want, focus on what you need to do in order to get a little bit better. Be patient, this is a game of being patient and committed. Never care if you're struggling so bad right now, never care if you're not winning, just keep fighting and give everything you've got. 


It doesn't matter what happened in the past, your failures, mistakes are nothing. What matters is what you're doing today, that's what you need to be focusing on because your life can change in a blink of an eye. If you decided to take your life seriously, if you decided to focus then your life already changed even if you're not getting any result yet. Change doesn't mean acquiring something, it means changing your attitude and lifestyle, it's changing your thoughts and vision. If you wanted to change then be mindful of what you think and do, be aware of your actions and focus on getting better little by little. So look at yourself, what are you doing and thinking? do you think it's giving you an edge? do you think i's putting you on a better position to succeed? if not then stop doing it, control yourself. Even if it is fun, stop doing it if it's not putting you on pedestal, never think about pleasures and easy times, you need to start focusing on taking actions and never stop until you're done. 

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