Jul 31, 2024


There's no magic formula, there's no magic trick here... it's all about hard work and the willingness to fail over and over again, that's it. 


If you want a new life then you need to fight your urges. The urge to sleep, watch stupid movies, eat junk foods, get lazy the whole day, stay comfortable even if you're broke. If you want to change then you need to stop doing things that are not giving you any progress at all. The change should be intentional, it should be forced. There should be no excuses, there should be no time for procrastination. It is what it is, it's going to be hard, it's going to feel so uncomfortable but if you really want a new life then you should focus like a sniper, it's ok if you don't eat or sleep for days, it's ok if you're dying in cold, it's ok if you keep losing again and again... just don't waste your life and time, never take any day for granted. 


you are getting your power from the external that is why you feel so weak. You want to feel good eating food, having a strong teammate, having a comfortable life, having a secure job, having an easy route, getting addicted with entertainment and vices. You are getting your power from the outside that is why you are so weak. Real strength is from within, it is controlling yourself, it is doing what is hard and making sacrifices to build a stronger character. If you're not pushing, if you're not sacrificing then you are getting weaker and weaker each day. You don't need anything at all, you are enough, yourself is enough to fell life and be happy. Stop looking for happiness from things and people, you've got it inside, you just need to think the right way and do it your way. Power is from within, realize this and you will become invincible. 


the fear to fail, the fear to move, the fear o being judged. The fear of taking risks, your world is simply full of fears, you need to overcome your fears if you want to have a ne life and experience. Fear is the compass, fear is your guide, once you learn how to face your fears then you will experience real life. At the end of the day nothing really matters, this is just a journey, you're already winning when you're trying, you're already living when you're maximizing what you have, you have nothing to lose here so just enjoy the ride and always bet on yourself, always try every possibility and never be scared of failing anymore. Regrets will be multiplied if you don't try. You're in charge hear, fear is just an illusion, the good news is you can extinguish it through actions, just focus on what you want and stop focusing on what you don't want, as simple as that. 

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