Jul 25, 2024


Forgive yourself, accept what you did and move on. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop being trapped in the past. If you failed so what? just keep on moving forward and never stop, you can never predict success, it may or may not happen to you but what you can control is your effort and hard work. Stop hanging on too much from the past, let it go and do something positive today. Walk, exercise, study, start something, clean your house, just do something that will make your motor going. Taking actions will make you motivated, it will give you good energy rather than not doing anything at all. Being stagnant will make you negative, it will make you weak and stuck forever. If you want to have more energy then do more and stop overthinking, you are here to create, you are here to stretch yourself and grow, you are not here to complain and become stuck forever. You will enjoy your life even more if you are moving and making things happen, so what the hell are you waiting for? do something now before it's too late. 


If you are moving then you are improving, as simple as that. If you're always procrastinating then you are getting worse physically and mentally. You are going down every time you get lazy and do nothing so make this day count because it does, make your day productive. Force yourself, you will never get better if you keep on pampering your emotions, you want comfort because that is your default and in order to elevate you must avoid your default state all the time. Comfort is for the weak, it's for losers who always play safe, if you want a new reality then you better stay away from comfort. Watch yourself all the time and see if you are being lazy and slow, if you are slow then move faster, do something. It's not about what you're getting, it's about what you've becoming. If you're a new person now then you will attract different things, situations and people, you will attract better opportunities. So you better change your game, change your energy and style. Get rid of the old you, create a new identity now and live with it, never change your game plan, stick with the process even if the results are very slow. 

At the end of the day it's all about moving forward, it's all about moving fast, deciding fast and doing whatever it takes to get a little bit better. Just be fast, do more, risk more and try more. Never stop, never give up and just keep moving forward all the time. Do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Never hesitate, never stay in one place. Just take it one step at a time and give your all no matter what. Never care if it is hard, just do it. You have to drag your body to move, never care if you get tired and just keep grinding. Forget the past, forget your mistakes, forget your weakness and create a new reality now. You will never be able to change your life if you keep on remembering your old self and the mistakes that you did. You have to push yourself to get better, be better than your situation. Start now and keep pushing forward no matter what. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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