Jul 28, 2024


You know you can do more, you know you can become faster and harder. You know you can do better than that, then why the hell are you moving like a clown? why are you playing around and not taking things seriously? you are not giving your all that is why you're getting less, that is why you can't get what you really want, that's why you keep on losing, you allow yourself to get defeated by your own laziness and softness. You can make yourself 10x faster, you can start anytime you want yet you choose to become slow and unproductive. It's time to change, if you want your life to change then you need to change your attitude, change your habits. Force yourself to move through discomfort, power through no matter what, face the pain and never give up, as simple as that. Stop all the nonsense in your life, remove all the distractions and focus on what you're trying to achieve, try to get a little bit better, try to improve a little bit even if it is hard. You will already improve if you're not wasting your time stop stop wasting seconds and focus on taking the right actions. This is not easy but it is worth giving a try. 


Everyday is an opportunity to get better. It’s either you get better or you get worse, as simple as that. If you’re not doing anything then you’re going down. If you keep being lazy then never expect a good life because laziness attracts ugly situations and things. Just do something positive now if you are lost. Walk outside, start a small business, visit your family, just do something instead of acting like a depressed clown. You will get weaker if you are not moving, your mind will get rusty and slow, you will feel so tired and powerless if you’re not doing anything at all. Stop clowning around and just do something, you need to be fast, ruthless and aggressive. Stop pampering your emotions because it will never help you at all. You need to keep moving forward no matter what. Never care about what's bothering you and just focus on taking multiple steps to get wherever you want to. The time is now, stop waiting for the right time and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. Just do it, never mind about what's going to happen next and just do it. Never care if you fail, never care if you're not doing something special or impactful, just do the process and never look back. Take it seriously, put your mind and hear to it and never quit when it's really hard. Time is running out, don't ever think that you have an eternity to chase your dream. Chase it now, do whatever it takes to win, use all of your power and tenacity to get closer from your dreams. Just be confident and never give up, keep trying because it's worth it. Go all the way and never regret any decision that you made. If you fail you fail so be it. The time is now, never postpone anything, be in a sense of urgency. Be in the moment and let go of your worries and fears. You will win if you are bold and fearless, you will make it to the final stage and take home your goals if you're willing to risk everything. The pressure is just an illusion, you're just giving yourself the pressure that is not real by being too attached with what you want to happen. Stop controlling everything and just let go. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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