Jul 18, 2024


Never trust luck, help, sympathy, opportunities, breaks, assistance, mercy, freebies, connections or politics. Trust hard work and perseverance because that is where you have control the most. At the end of the day you can never control anything, you can never predict the outcome of something, all you can do is work hard and prepare because that is the only thing that will give you a better chance of winning. Just have faith in hard work and you're good, you don't need to look for something, you just need yourself. 


Work hard but don't cry for what you can't get. Don't get jealous of what other people have. Work hard but never cry like a kid when you don't get something, don't whine for it, don't treat it like a major part of your life, don't give it any value, once you don't give any value to something.... you will reclaim your power. The reason why you're so weak is because you value people's opinions, feelings, thoughts that you almost lose your true self and beliefs. 


Do you need hug? support? appreciation? new shoes? assurance? slap in the face? new teammates? new car? what else do you need? even if you got it I am very sure you will still not give your very best. You don't need anything, you  just need to be decisive, decide that you're going to get it no matter what, increase your willpower by being bold and assertive. Never let anything stop you, be a force, do whatever it takes to succeed, use your willpower and tenacity, use everything you've got to win in life. 


it's ok if you don't win, it's ok if you lose but never deprive yourself of the experience because of what people say. The experience of trying to become great, chasing greatness and having self belief, you deserve this, it's not about being overconfident, it's about trying to win your way and not letting anything stop you. You deserve the experience to become free from your fears and not overly attached with society's expectations. 


the reason why you're a bum is because you're living like a  bum, you're addicted to too much comfort and security. You're over consuming, you're addicted to pleasures and laziness that's why people are not treating you with respect. Respect yourself and people will respect you, as simple as that. You've been living like a weakling creature before that can't change the outcome of his life, you can change now by simply being brave and going harder. You need to believe in yourself, you need to go all in and never stop until you win.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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