Jul 7, 2024


Study the work that you will do if you get hired by a company that you are waiting for. Shoot as many as you can during practice while you're not yet being use by your coach in a basketball game. Run everyday while waiting for your sickness to get cured. Study early even if the exam is not yet close. Hone your skills even if the opportunity to shine cannot be seen yet. Get stronger and better while waiting for the competition. This is about preparation, this is about getting better everyday. Bleed in peace so you don't have to suffer in war. Prepare now, invest now, use your time the right way now if you want to win in life. Preparation will meet the opportunity, this is so true, you can't see an opportunity because you're not prepared. 


When you saw an opportunity you must grab it. Stop overthinking and analyzing, stop waiting for the right time because it will never come. The right time is now, push yourself to win. Do everything you can to get what you want. If you already prepared even if it's just a short period of time... the opportunity will knock on your door so you need to be aware if it's calling you. You have to try, you have to give yourself a chance to succeed every single day. And even if you failed on that day at least you somehow got better. You are improving every time you are trying so just show up and do your thing, don't be scared of any challenge, don't be scared of any adversity. Any given day can be the break that you are waiting for, you have to stop looking for comfort all the time and embrace discomfort because that is 


Every time you beat procrastination and replace it with action you already gotten better. It's all in the mind, its in the habits. Believe that what you're doing now is helping you to attract success. Get disgusted of yourself if you're wasting a lot of time overthinking or doing something stupid that is not even helping you at all. Stop letting the bad habits and small nonsense actions destroy you. If you want to change then the first thing you need to do is to watch yourself, what are you doing now? why are you doing it? are you doing it for pleasures? if the answer is yes then you're in big trouble. Pleasures will kill you and make you weak, it will make you broke and rusty. You have to stay away from your comfort zone if you wanted to win in life. Get addicted with getting stronger, be excited in preparing for an opportunity, that's all you need to do. 

Believe in the power of preparation, practice and small progress. Just because you are unemployed doesn't mean you have the luxury to get lazy. Just because there is no competition doesn't mean you can afford to relax and stop getting stronger. Push yourself to stay disciplined and committed. Be the best that you can be and show you heart and passion. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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