Jul 11, 2024


You will only discover yourself when you're down, losing, struggling, losing hope and running out of strength. You will never see who you really are if everything was uncomfortable and easy. You have to be happy when everything is hard because you will see your true colors, you will see how powerful you are. There is no growth and evolution in easy times, you have to seek for discomfort and challenges because that is how you improve physically and mentally. There is no improvement if you're always seeking for comfort and pleasures, it is what it is if you want to become great then become an action taker. If you wanted to change your life you better push yourself to the limits and destroy all of the boundaries. Nothing will change if you keep on living like a bum that feels so entitled of something you didn't work for. You will see if you're made of steel or made of glass through adversity. Be glad that you were able to experience hardships because it will make you grow and prosper, it will teach a lesson that you can use in your daily living. Be happy that it is hard because after it is comfort and greatness. Great things will happen if you persevere, all you have to do is don't quit and you will win. 


Most people were motivated by praises, likes and appreciation. They're looking for clapping hands, they're looking for recognition which makes them weak, they're not giving their all once nobody was appreciating them. You need to stop looking for external validation because it's only making you weak. You have to love the pain, struggle, critics, suffering, sacrifices and sadness. If you can enjoy the difficult situations of life then everything will become a lot easier, as simple as that. Get excited for challenges because it will make you grow, be tough, be durable, you have nothing to worry because you can adapt to anything, nothing can kill you, you will only get stronger whenever you are struggling in life so appreciate the experience and learn from it. You will see how strong you are when everything is hard. Stop being motivated by wins, stop being inspired by praises and just do what you need to do no matter what. 

Push forward and keep fighting, never give up, never get discourage when you made a mistake. All you need to do is keep fighting and you will win, as simple as that. You don't need to become a genius here, you don't need to become special, you just need to persevere and you will find a way to succeed. Victory belongs to the most persevering, remind this quote to yourself all the time and you will find power during the struggle. Just don't give up and keep moving forward all the time, you will learn, you will make something click, every pieces you need will fall into your hands. 

What they say to you may it be good or bad doesn't matter. Just be yourself, you will only become sensitive if you care too much about what people say. Even if they praise you and kiss your ass, pretend that you didn't hear anything because once you get addicted to their fake appreciation... you will become weak, you will rely on what people say too much and that is bad for your mentality. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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