Jul 18, 2024


The way you handle stress is the way you will handle your life. If something is bothering you easily that has no value at all then you will have a hard time progressing or improving. Any petty things should not bother you at all because it is really nothing, it is only making you feel bad because of your perspective of it. But if you will look inside of you and focus on neutralizing your feelings then you will find your power. The power is within, it's not looking outside, it's looking inside and examining carefully how you feel and trying to accept it with peace and no resistance. If you feel bad about someone or something that has small value then you are not living your way, you are letting them control you for no reason, you are allowing them to make you feel bad, you're acting like a victim, you're turning into a soft diva. The way you handle stress is the way you control your reality. Anything outside of you that is affecting you is only making you weak so you better be aware of your mentality because it is the only thing that will make you prevail. Your mind is your reality, if you keep on thinking negatively towards different things then you will have a miserable life. The way you handle stress is everything. 


Think differently and you will notice differently, it's a rule that can never be broken. If something is bugging you shift your focus into a different subject. Just focus on what matters focus on what give you motivation and good feelings, never focus on something that distracts you and poison your mind, you have to be selective of the subjects that are making you work efficiently. You have to be aware of what makes you tick or weak. 


Kill your fears and worries before it scares you and immobilize you completely. The antidote for fear is taking actions. If you are procrastinating and waiting then your fear will swallow you completely. Kill it before it kills you, be fast and never let your emotions and thoughts stop you, never let anything derail your progress, you have to focus on chasing your goals so that your day will be more meaningful. 


Accept all of your feelings, be one with it, never curse any of your emotions and just allow it to come and go. Don't judge anything and just feel it, that's how to become present all the time. Every time you're about to quit just endure, every time you're trying to escape just stay. The goal here is to get stronger and better everyday and it will only happen if you're one with your emotions. At the end of the day who cares about your emotions, your feelings doesn't matter at all. The only thing that matters is how you were able to survive the day. They don't care about how you feel so  stop being too sensitive, stop being so soft and just do what you need to do, show up learn how to handle your business. What's your business for today? what are you  trying to portray today? is it about being weak or being strong for other people that relies on you? are you going to carry them? or are you going to be carried? are you a burden or a source of strength? it all depends on you, you will be the one to decide here. 

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