Jul 1, 2024

once you earned the money hold it

You just earned a few hundreds from flipping burgers everyday from 8-7pm and you want to spend your money right away just like that, you spend your money like a thunder nobody couldn't even see it. Your hands is itching to spend it for useless goods, you love to spend like a millionaire even though you're earning like world war 2 slave. You need to practice delayed gratification and hold your money a little longer if you don't want to become broke forever. The truth is people really don't money because if they really want it then how come they spend it right away the moment they hold it? some people already were in debt right before their payday. It's so absurd because they work hard for it the whole month and then will burn their money for a few days or even hours. They were so addicted to spending and borrowing money, they're too having fun creating points from their credit card and that's why the can't escape from the rut they are in, that's why they're broke for a very long time and have no clue how to solve their problem. 


Learn to invest, learn to save money. Avoid gambling, don't look for easy money. Avoid entertainment, avoid consuming food when you're already fool, never let advertisement fool you. You really don't need anything, stick with the basic needs and never compete with your neighbors who were trying to look rich. Control your jealousy, control your emotions, never have self pity when you don't have a lot, never compare what you have with what other people have. Remember you're trying to be smart here, a smart person can control his emotions very well. Trust the process, you are not trying to get rich fast here, you are trying to build a habit of holding your money for a long time and not spending it, you are trying to multiply your money with time and discipline. Save as much money as you can so you won't have to be in danger when the recession hits your country. 

it's not about how much you earn

Some people are earning lots of money but they are still broke, they 're still in huge debts because they're too addicted on spending their money for useless stuffs. They love to call for pizza deliveries, they love sale items, they love advertisement, they love to loan, they love to buy what is trending now, they love to spend spend spend and that's why they can't save any money, that's why they're in huge debts. Some people will buy something just to please other people that they don't even like, they want to look cool, they are fancy that is why they can't make a progress financially. 

stay away from debts

you become a slave once you're in debt, the lender will become your master and you will do anything he commands you to. Stay away from debt if you want to have full control of your life. Once you learn how to control yourself to stay away from debts... you will get richer fast, your money will multiply faster than expected. Cut your credit cards, avoid unnecessary loans, never let a sale item tempt you, don't eat in a fancy restaurant, stop living like others. Some people are taking on a vacation just to post something on social media which is really stupid and pointless. They like likes that's why they made stupid decisions with their lives. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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