Jul 5, 2024


It means being intentional, fast, aggressive, sure and decisive. You don't hesitate to take actions, you make decisions fast and have zero regrets when you experience bigger problems. You never care if you fail, you just take actions and be the best that you can be. You just give your best, you just fight, you struggle but you keep grinding. Success means boldness, you are afraid of something but you overpower that fear with speed in taking actions and desire to win and get what you want. 


All the procrastination does, all the laziness and instant gratification does is make you weak. It's not going anywhere, it's not improving, it's not giving you an edge, it keeps on pulling you down. Yeah you feel comfortable for a while but that comfort will turn into pain in the end. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if it looks like you're not progressing at all. Just make sure you are doing the right thing. Pleasures and comfort will only give you regrets in the end, it will make your life uglier than what it use to be, you will become weak and sick, you will become slow and useless, you will become rusty, you will become depressed and unsatisfied, in other words you are a loser. Discipline is the key, it is the secret ingredient to power, most people are looking for a solution to make their lives better, they're always searching for that magic technique not knowing that discipline is the solution for everything. If you need to do something... do it now, don't wait for Christmas before you do it. Execute now and always give your very best no matter what. If you really want some change in your life then you need to change, change your actions and timing, change your mindset and belief. Believe stronger and work as hard as you can. Always think that everything you do is making an impact, it is improving your life even if you can't see the results yet. Be patient and never look for shortcuts, never exchange your growth for comfort. You are growing when you're struggling, you are improving whenever you're having a hard time with your life. 


If you failed, if nothing is working it means you need to push harder, it means your effort is not enough so you have to do more. Your confidence will go higher every time you work hard and expect that you will manifest the fruits of your labor. Be patient, if you're not making waves then it means your effort is still weak. Level up, be faster and bolder, always push yourself to the limits until you can't push anymore. Look forward to ultimate exhaustion, make sure you have nothing left in your tank anymore before you give up. Just keep pushing, you can do something now you can always make an impact, never hesitate and always be bold. Push it harder because you can do better than yesterday, you can always break your own records, you can always do something that will make you closer from what you want. 

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