Jul 12, 2024


Just go for it, take the last shot, forget about the timing, forget if you are right or wrong and just take it. Because you never know when it's going to happen again, this is about the experience, forget about winning or losing and take risks as much as you can. Forget about your identity, forget about who you are and just give your very best. Win or lose, be happy that you gave yourself a chance to win. Because not all people would even try, they're so scared of failing that's why they can't move, that's why they're so scared. What are you being scared about? life is just a game and the winners are the ones who are risk takers. Be brave and use all of your power and energy to get stronger. Never care if people are telling you to stop, never care if they are all against you, you will never know if you are right or wrong unless you try and give your all. At the end of the day it is your life, you can do whatever you want to do with it. 


Every path is the correct path. If it is hard it is right, if it is easy it is right too. Don't ever get intimidated by a hard challenge because it will only make you grow. The truth is it doesn't really matter if it is impossible, the question is are you going to try? are you still going to give your all even if the challenge in front of you looks so impossible to conquer? are you still going to fight? are you going to give up or fight like a wounded lion that has no choice but to survive and protect his life? Sometime it is really not hard at all, you're just being too soft and weak, you're just feeling spoiled and entitled. You are not here to feel comfortable all the time. Easy times creates weak men while hard times creates greatness, you need to face what is hard and try to conquer the impossible. It's all in the mind, it gets harder twice because you are intimidated and letting fear control you. But if you keep on fighting and pushing, you will overcome the obstacles along the way and change the situation. If it is hard do it, if it is easy then still give your best and never take it easy, don't feel too comfortable because you need to work hard every single day. never stop, never quit, keep going no matter what, keep pushing forward and destroy all your limits. You will make it if you really want it. Real strength is inside of you, real power is your thoughts so think about positive thoughts and let it give you energy and motivation. Never complain, never make excuses because it is stopping you from taking actions. Enjoy the struggle, enjoy the grind, never give up no matter what because victory belongs to the most persevering. Just scrap, just keep going and take it one step at at time. It doesn't matter if you're slow or fast, what matters is you keep going and give your all every single second. 


Don't just talk, don't just dream, don't just say you're going to do it and just do it. Take matters into your own hands, stop playing safe and risk everything Finish the job, get it done and never care if you fail or succeed, just take the shot, give yourself a chance to win, detach from the outcome and focus on the process. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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