Aug 4, 2024


They were lazy the whole day, they overthink, they think about the past and waste a lot of their time. If you want to get better then stay away from comfort all the time. Everything that is not making you grow is useless and that is the truth. If you want to get better then be better, get rid of the bad habits. It's what you are doing now so forgive yourself and forget the past. What matters is the moment, if you decide to get better now then make a stand and do it, as simple as that. Stupid people doesn't know that they have a potential. All they do is squander their time and give a mediocre effort. They don't strive to improve, they don't push themselves to get better, all they do is become coward of taking actions. They stop all the time, they can't focus, they always look for an easy way out... this is what stupid people do. They never see themselves winning, they don't want to get disciplined, they were slow and always looking for something to get or consume without having to work for it. Stupid people think they can win without having to work really hard, they think they are entitled of something they don't even deserve.  They can't focus for a minute, they want to do something that they don't even know, they feel so comfortable being at the bottom, they feel so proud being a bum, it's ok to look like a clown they say. They will set a goal but has no intention of accomplishing it, they simply want it without having to work hard for it. They will start something and will never finish it, they will spend all their money and will borrow money from others in the future. They simply can't resist temptation. Stupid people always complain, they act like a victim, they always feel that the world is unfair. They can't finish a simple task because they're always distracted and looking for something to scroll or eat. Stupid people never learn, they thought they were smart but they're all about talk, they're all about arrogance and false stories. They will trick everyone that they're something but they're really nothing. Their minds were like a garbage full of useless thoughts, they don't have a good habit at all and they're avoiding consistency, they don't want to build a good habit they don't trust the process. This is what stupid people do... they waste their lives. They don't even try because they're too afraid of failing. They wanted to win but they're not taking risks and exerting a very strong effort. They're inventing problems, they're inventing stupidity and useless stories. They're acting like a loser all the time, they wanted something but all they do is wish and daydream. They don't have a lion's mentality, they will quit whenever things gets harder. They want to become a star but they don't know how to glow. 

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