Aug 9, 2024


Stop doing what they're doing and you will get a different result, as simple as that. Majority of the people are watching TV, gossiping online, scrolling on facebook, playing video games, not exercising, not building their own brand. Use your time wisely, don't squander it for useless activities that will not even make you grow. You will only expand if you will use your time wisely. Try to get a little bit better every single day, stop being lazy, stop being a chicken, pull the trigger and carry on, as simple as that. All you need to do is move and you will get better, you will make a progress if you are moving all the time. You have to go all in, you have to have a sense of urgency, time is running and it will never wait for you. It's time to live like a lion, choose what you are going to be... a predator or a prey? Define what do you want to be, the choice is always yours. It's your life you can be anything you wanted to be, all it takes is effort and commitment. Doing something positive like exercising, studying, meditating or even sleeping is much better than scrolling on facebook. You have to take actions fast, never wait because the right time will never come, it's always now, you have to grind now and try to make things happen. Pleasures are overrated, entertainment that is too much is poisonous, you have to know where you are headed to with your actions. You know if you're doing something stupid or not, be mindful of your actions and thoughts. Separate yourself from the pack, if they don't believe that they can't win then believe that you can win. If they are so lazy work as hard as you can. If they're following the trend stop following it. Because the idea here is to be different and think different. They are getting the same and weak results so if you are thinking and acting like them then you will get poor results too. If you will go the other way then you will have a better chance of winning, as simple as that. Your path maybe different and harder but you will never end up on the same place as them. 

Find a way how to say no. Say no to clickbaits, posts, temptations, pleasures and anything that is eating your time without getting anything from it. If you can build discipline day by day then sky is the limit for you. It's not skill, talent or luck that will make you successful... it's discipline and willpower. This is too simple yet most people can't do it because they're too addicted to pleasures and comfort. Easy times creates weak men and hard times creates strong men. You have to know what are you doing now, be mindful, be strict on yourself because it is for yourself. making sacrifices is evolution, you are doing yourself a favor by doing it so never think that you are punishing yourself because the truth is you are strengthening and blessing yourself.  If you have an important thing to do... do it now, do it early do it fast and never wait for the perfect feelings or motivation before you do it, the best time todo it is when you feel uncomfortable. Most people want to feel great first before they take action and that's why they can't make a small progress, progress will happen when you feel lazy but you still push yourself to take the next step. 

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