Aug 2, 2024


If someone can make a terrible mistake then you are allowed to commit that too. If a start player can shoot 1/20 and play bad the whole game then you are allowed to miss a lot of shots too. The problem with you is you're always looking for a validation. You are allowed to fail, the reason why you can't succeed is because you're not allowing yourself to fail. Your coach, teacher, parents, friends and any other people that you don't even know can never stop you. You are the only one who is stopping yourself from becoming successful. You're just a human, you can make mistakes too, you need to stop being afraid of failure now and start doing your thing. You are allowed to fail big time, you are allowed to commit errors because that is where you grow and learn something, that is when you will feel free. So create a mindset of just doing it no matter what, take risks and never care if you fail or succeed. Those successful people were winners because they're not afraid to fail and try something, they're not afraid of critics, they're not afraid of pain. Make yourself vulnerable to failure and you will feel powerful, ever time you resist failure and mistakes you get weaker and scarier. You will feel courageous every time you open yourself up to failures and defeats.  


it doesn't matter how weak you are, how dumb or old you are, it doesn't matter how slow you are... what matters is you are doing the process. You may already past your prime, you may already past your peak but the process can't be underestimated, there's a peak of the process and anyone can reach it. Meaning you have to work hard, stay focused, stay serious and always believe that you can improve and change your situation if you take the process seriously, put it in your heart, never stop believing and working. If you're really working hard on yourself then there is nothing to be afraid of, as simple as that. It's all about you and not the difficulty of the situation, if you are doing your best then you will attract the best as simple as that. You can peak anytime you want if you're really serious with the process, your preparation will make you unstoppable. 


If you want to gain your confidence back... take actions, prepare, study, make sacrifices and do something that is hard. You will never become confident if you're always looking at the past and wishing things would be different. So work hard, if you have an opportunity now to become better... do it, start and keep following through. It's simply about taking massive massive actions and nothing else, it is so simple, it maybe hard but you know what to do and the reward is amazing. So start working on yourself, whatever you can do to advance and make yourself a little bit better... do it instead of squandering your time and burning your energy for nonsense activities. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions and just do what will make yourself improve. You will become more and more confident every time you make sacrifices and do the harder activities. 

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