Aug 16, 2024

follow the simplest plan

You always know the next step, you know what to do but you're not doing it. It's because you don't have a philosophy, it's because you're not following the simplest plan, it's not in your system, it's not programmed in your mind. Follow your simplest plan, follow your simplest principle and never break it, as simple as that. That's how to have a direction in life. It doesn't matter if you're making progress or not, it doesn't matter if the rewards were very little and not making an impact, just follow the simplest plan form the very beginning to the end and see where it takes you. You are not trying, you don't believe it that is why you don't have a direction in life. If your plan is to work hard then follow that plan, if your plan is to stay disciplined and stop watching TV or wasting a single second then follow that plan. That's a simple plan but it will make an impact for sure, a simple plan will work if you will take it seriously, it will create a massive change if you don't break it everyday. 

A poor man's plan to stay away from being broke is simply not spending his money, that's it. If he follow this for months or years then he will be able to pay all of his debt and change his life. It's a very simple plan but very effective. Just like a drug addict who wants to change his bum life, all he need to do is follow the simplest plan... stay away from addicts too and don't do drugs, too simple but he can't follow because he was addicted to his bad habits. But if he will force himself to change and follow the simplest plan then for sure he will have a better life. Just like a boxer whose simple plan is to shadow box everyday, it will make a difference, it will improve his skill. You too can create a simple plan and follow it for months or a year, see how it goes, see what difference can it do to your life. Just make sure to follow it and take it seriously, commitment is the key, you have to follow it no matter what if you want to change your ugly life. Create a simple philosophy and follow it, create your own personal philosophy and make it work, as simple as that. If you're an aspiring athlete and you don't have a coach or something, let's say you don't have enough resources all you have to do is create your own plan and live and die with it, make it work, don't stop until you make something click. Let's say you're a basketball player but you don't have your own basketball ring, all you have to do is make your body strong, run everyday, do the shadow basketball, practice good diet and do the mind work, do this everyday and for sure you will get to the next level. All you have to do is make a plan and repeat it until it works, don't quit on it, push yourself to make it successful. You can create a simple plan, all it takes is sacrifice and belief, believe that it will work no matter what, you have to be patient because it will take time, any plan will work if you believe in it and give it a time to develop. Don't quit, don't stop, all you have to do is keep persevering. Believe in yourself, trust the process and focus on getting better everyday. 

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