Aug 27, 2024


You're so full of garbage, you're so addicted with vices that's why you are so weak now and can't do something with your life, that's why you are so slow and cannot make a progress. You are so weak, you can't apply delayed gratification into your life, you easily get tempted with something that is useless and will never even  help you to get to the next level. You are so fragile, your mental game is not one of a kind, you just do what you want to do without the consciousness if it will put you on a worse position or not. If you want a different life then stop being weak now, what does a strong person do? he focuses on his own life, he doesn't do anything that will put him on a worse position, he is always on the go, he is always busy and he doesn't care about what other people are doing. If you want to become strong then focus on your ideas, focus on your goals and never mind what other people are doing. Keep making yourself better through discipline and commitment. Time is fast, life is fast, you never know when it is going to end, why will you hold back and create your own resistance? why will you stop yourself from becoming successful? you better think the right way, focus on the right actions and never stop pushing yourself to the limits until you win. Weakness is a choice, you get weaker and weaker each day because of your bad choices. Usually an easy option is a wrong option, if you always choose the easier path then it is the wrong path. When did watching TV become right if you have an exam tomorrow? when did eating unhealthy foods become right when you're obese and ill? when did entertaining the negative thoughts made you take the right actions? you are only sabotaging yourself every time you pick an easier path. 

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