Aug 24, 2024


If you want to make a progress, if you want to change, if you want to improve something then stop looking for perfection and start taking action, as simple as that. The reason why you can't make something better is because you're always aiming for a flawless journey without any stain of mistakes. You want to look perfect, you want to look great and that's why you couldn't even take the first step, that's why you're always procrastinating and hating yourself because you can't move. And you won't move because you're so afraid of the future, you're so afraid of failure, you don't want to make your hands dirty. You don't want to take the blame, you want to be liked all the time, you want to win without taking any risk, and that's why you're stuck in a mud, that's why there's no excitement in your life. There's no good thin going on, there's no sign of going to the next level. If you want to change, if you want to develop then stop looking for perfection, never care about what they say, never care if they blame you or laugh at you, never care if you made a terrible decision, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is you try, the most important thing is you gave yourself a chance to win. It doesn't matter if you're failing, it doesn't matter if you're struggling, what matters is the fight left in you, the actions that you take and the intention to win and finish it as fast as possible. You will never be able to finish something if you're always hesitating and trying to make it right fast, you need time to flourish, you need mistakes to uncover the clues. You need to start taking actions now and do whatever it takes to win. Keep pushing, keep going and never give up no matter what, you have what it takes to make it right, you can win if you will just try and never give up. So what if you have to try a million times? so what if you're looking like a fool? at least you are doing it your way and you believe in yourself. Speaking of confidence, the real definition if it is not knowing everything to do, it's not being great on the first try, it's not having the good emotions to do the task, real confidence means everything is against you you still feel ok, it means you keep on making mistakes but you're not giving up. Confidence means struggling but not feeling the struggle, it means failing but not looking yourself as a failure. So just start and see where your belief and tenacity takes you, just keep going even if it is really hard, never lose your grit after failure after failure, you have to believe in your own philosophy even if the whole world is mocking you. 

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