Nov 1, 2017


1. Keep trying. Even if nothing is working... just keep trying, you will become lucky one day. The idea here is to train yourself to keep trying over and over again. It is building your work ethic, it is making yourself tougher and stronger. Just keep trying because luck loves a tryer. It's a basic logic... if you will not try then how will you become lucky?

2. Never give up. Luck loves the most persevering. Giving up will only make you unlucky because the feeling of failure is there. If you will not give up then you will still feel that you have a fight left in your life. Not giving up means you are attracting luck in your life little by little. Everyday you are still fighting to get what you want.

3. Feel lucky. Luck is all about emotions. If you feel lucky then you are lucky, luck is only a happiness. If you feel happy then you are lucky. Luck is just a feeling. Always feel lucky so you will attract luck into your life. Even if it is your bad day... learn to become appreciative. Because the truth is you are still lucky because you are still alive. Being alive is already being lucky because not all people are experiencing life anymore, some are dead and they are unlucky even if they are rich.

4. Never believe in luck. If you will believe in luck then you will never work hard anymore. You will just join a lottery game and hope to win or try to marry a rich person... which will never happen. Luck is attracted to hard work, the more you work hard the more you will become lucky. Don't believe in luck and just believe in yourself. Believe that you can work hard because hard work always pay off.

5. Be a risk taker. Take risks that are worth taking. Don't take risks that will put you into jail or will kill you. Take risk that will give you success, something that you are afraid of but has huge benefits. Facing your fears is the only way to change your life, it is the only way to become lucky. 

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